In order for your paper to be successfully included in the ICSCEE 2021 conference proceeding, it is required that you strictly follow the following instructions:

Step 1. Your final paper has to follow the ICSCEE2021 Full Paper Template. The length of the final paper should be 4 to 6 pages in A4 size, including figures, tables, and references.

Step 2. Your final paper must be VERIFIED to be IEEE Xplore® compatible and this can be done through IEEE PDF eXpress service. For instructions, go to PDF Instructions for Authors page.

Step 3. Please make sure all details in EDAS especially the Abstract and list of Authors are consistent with the final paper since details in EDAS will be used for conference proceedings.

Step 4. Upload the final paper (which is obtained from IEEE PDF eXpress) to EDAS.

Step 5. Finally, you MUST complete the IEEE Copyright Transfer Form (e-Copyright) through EDAS (
Please note that failure to follow the above instructions may result in your paper to be excluded from the conference proceedings.

IEEE has strict policy on No-Show. One of the authors or their representatives need to present the paper at the event. Failure to do so without valid reasons will risk the paper from being included in the IEEE Xplore database.

 No Show Policy

In case a paper is not presented at the conference, it shall be deemed a “no-show.” No-shows will be removed from post-conference distribution and will not be available on IEEE Xplore or other public access IEEE forums. No refund of the paid fees can be claimed by the no-show author.

Exceptions to this policy will be made in rare and unusual situations by the ICSCEE 2021 Organizing Committee only if there is evidence that the no-show occurred because of unanticipated events beyond the control of the authors, and that every option available to the authors to present the paper was exhausted.

Authors of no-show papers wishing to appeal the no-show status of their paper must appeal by email to the ICSCEE 2021 Organizing Committee (IEEE.ICSCEE@MEDIU.EDU.MY) no later than 30 days after the start of ICSCEE 2021 and must provide evidence to convincingly demonstrate that their absence was as a result of forces beyond their will and control, or that an erroneous decision was made. Decisions on appeals will be made by the Organizing Committee based on the supporting evidence provided. Failure to meet the appeals deadline will automatically result in rejection of the appeal.

Deadline for all appeals of no-show decisions: March 15, 2021